Produtos Bendito Banho

quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010

Referências Teóricas

Referências em Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento, Inovação e Sustentabilidade

 fragrance is like a poem….
Each note takes on its own meaning…
Each accord touches the depths of one soul…
A fragrance should caress the heart of each,
always providing their own individuality…
A fragrance should make one dream, 
of everything that surrounds them.
Fragrance should bring one closer.
Yes, olfactive poetry is creating dreams through our sense of smell. 
MATTS, Raymond

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Herz, R.S. (2005). Odor-associative learning and emotion: Effects on perception and behavior. Chemical Senses, 30, 250-251.

Herz, R.S., Beland, S.L. & Hellerstein, M. (2004).  Changing odor hedonic perception through emotional associations in humans. International Journal of Comparative Psychology17, 315-339.

Herz, R.S.,  Schankler, C. &  Beland, S. (2004).  Olfaction, emotion and associative learning:  Effects on motivated behavior. Motivation and Emotion, 28, 363-383.

Herz, R.S., Eliassen, J.C., Beland, S.L., & T. Souza. (2003).  Neuroimaging evidence for the emotional potency of odor-evoked memory.   Neuropsychologia, 42, 371-378.

Herz, R.S., & Inzlicht, M. (2002).  Gender differences in response to physical and social signals involved in human mate selection: The importance of smell for women. Evolution and Human Behavior23, 359-364.

Herz, R.S., & von Clef, J. (2001).  The influence of verbal labeling on the perception of odors:  Evidence for olfactory illusions?Perception, 30, 381-391.

Herz, R.S. (1998).  Are odors the best cues to memory? A cross-modal comparison of associative memory stimuli.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 855, 670-674.
Herz, R.S. (1997).  Emotion experienced during encoding enhances odor retrieval cue effectiveness. American Journal of Psychology,110, 489-505.

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